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Quad 909 Stereo Power Amplifier

Review of Quad 909 Stereo Power Amplifier - The 909 Stereo Power Amplifier incorporates Quad's patented current dumping technology and is one of the finest audio amplifiers available today. In current dumping amplifiers there is a very high quality low power output amplifier and a very high power output amplifier whose performance is not critical. This high power output amplifier controls the loudspeaker at all times and provides the current or 'muscle' to generate the sound. The low power output amplifier is arranged to generate a signal that compensates for errors between the input signal, and the signal fed to the loudspeakers. The problems of crossover distortion, quiescent current adjustment, thermal tracking and transistor matching all disappear. If such a thing as a perfect amplifier were to exist, then the Quad 909 would be very close to that perfection.See all Quad Hifi products
You can buy Quad 909 Stereo Power Amplifier today for £899.99!
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